Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Plus Eight

Well, I take it all back.
Last year I said time goes faster the older one gets.
It's all about perspective.
This birthday has taken forever to come and it's not because we haven't been busy. In fact, we've been VERY busy in The Jungle this year.
Very busy with miracles and then the usual stuff. Not as busy with the blog - which has been handy in the past for helping me keep track of what went on which year.
Hopefully I'll keep it all current. A summation of my last year.
  • Tarzan is doing well as bishop. He has settled into the role a little more and does not put on his suit everytime someone calls. (I won't tell you what I caught him wearing Monday night when the phone rang. You'll never get the image out of your brain and it's not what we should imagine our bishops wearing when we call them.) 
  • I'm in the Primary and it goes as usual. Teachers sometimes do or do not show up, kids do or do not be reverent. We carry on.
  • I have been blogging at this here site for seven years! One would think I'd get better at it over time.
  • We saw a few movies this year. Most notably, Ender's Game and Les Miserables.
  • Tarzan and I visited his family for the annual Thanksgiving parties. And they were good.
  • I got a haircut I really like. I must remember to go back and get them to update it again.
  • Tarzan and I celebrated 13 years of marriage and figured after this long, we probably weren't going to have children before the millennium...
  • And oh yeah - I'm PREGNANT!! which is so weird and out of the park for any birthday wish I have ever wished that 8 months in I am still having a time processing the fact.
  • ATL got a full time job - which she loves and which loves her - and moved out to her own apartment, her own car, her own life, just in time for the baby to move in.
  • And apparently I dropped out of blogging too. I haven't finished half of ATL's Admiration posts. All this sleeping takes up a lot of time.
  • Previous to growing a human, we upped our garden growing ambitions this year and though I haven't posted about it yet, it has been good. The basil continues to grow well, we got a bumper crop of sage this year, I'm really anxious to see if the winter chills the blueberries enough because the bushes got BIG this summer.
  • We welcomed Ted to the family.
  • Plus the usual church, work, family stuff.
And this will be my last birthday with just Tarzan and I. In a little over 4 weeks we start a new adventure. Next year's post should be a doozy!

This is me on the edge.


Cath said...

Happy birthday! I'm sorry to say that one does not become a better blogger after having a baby. But it's so worth it. It's definitely the best hard thing I've ever done.

Master P said...

Yeah, this last year has been eventful, to say the least! I predict that by next birthday, you are going to be all old hat at the mom thing and be like, "yeah, it was a good year. No biggie, we just brought a human into this world and he's doing awesome stuff. Also, I made pesto."

From Whence You Cometh