Wednesday, May 04, 2011

One Year Old

Here you are, the first intallment of a series I have entitled: Posts I Am So Late In Getting Up People Will Forget That They Even Cared.
Catchy yes?
So, about the kittens, you remember the kittens don't you? Chubbs and Spike:
The kittens were born in May, May the 4th and their first few weeks of life were chronicled here, here and here.
And that, ladies and germs, is when I totally dropped the ball.
I meant to post about Week Four. I even started an entry in which I whined thusly -
"Instinct schminstinct.
I would like to know who decided kittens will "instinctively" dig in the litter when they have to poo or lap at the bowl with warm food in it. It's not instinctive at all. They don't want to lick my finger or the bowl to get the food they can get much easier from the bottle - which they now recognize and will claw my hand to reach.
They don't want to dig in litter and get it between their toes if I will clean them instead.":
But I never published it. That was the weekend we went North to see my brother. There was sleep deprivation involved, Week Four ran into Week Five in which I was driving people around town amid random errands and emergencies. They did of course learn to feed themselves:And use the litter box, which was fortunate because then came Week Six and holy sha-moleys people.
Remember when I mentioned there might be a third kitten we thought we heard under the house? We assumed it must have died because we didn't see the mother and the mewing stopped. You know what they say about assumptions...This is as far as I got with the post after a grey striped kitten wandered up onto the back porch looking for food - "Well she's now ensconced in our bathroom along with the other two."
Yeah:And we were out the door again for PhatFiddle's wedding. (Which will be installment #2 of Posts I Am So Late In Getting Up People Will Forget That They Even Cared.) That encompassed Week Seven.
Week Eight started like this "As you may have heard, we missed our connection coming home from that adventure, church was early the next morning and so it wasn't until we got home from THAT that we noticed what looked like Spike running around outside with Drool. But wait, it gets better. Not Spike - we checked - but a FOURTH kitten who looks exactly like Spike:Yes, Drool, had four kittens, kept two for herself and shared the other two with me. Sweet, I know."
We took a short trip out to my parents house one weekend to give them the two "new" kittens, christened Bruno (grey stripes) and Boots (Spike's twin).
By that time I was so far behind in the weekly posts it was just silly:More weeks became months and here we are at one year old already.But in case you cared then, now or ever, these are the kittens at one year old. Spike:Who - at nine pounds - is still smaller than Chubbs. She might even have a different father for the way they are growing. She is mostly an indoor cat. On occasion she goes out but cars, birds or a passing breeze usually have her back at the door trying to come in.Chubbs is huge - he's eleven pounds and those two pounds sure make a difference:He loves the outdoors and as soon as I get up in the morning he's at the back door crying to go out. I'm not sure what the others think of him or he of them. They chase each other whether in fun or not I can't tell. There are eight others outside though so they deal. Chubbs does come back - nearly of his own accord - every evening. They are both good eaters but we have to watch them because since they think they're people they figure they can eat people food:They are both a little less cuddly than they were but they still come when I call and still try to sleep with us at night. It usually ends with them in a long black line of kitty on my outside edge and me wedged between them and Tarzan. And Tarzan is still alternately charmed and annoyed by them both.
They were both at the vet this morning getting medicine for tapeworms and ATL thought I should make my Facebook status "The cats have worms and the prosecution didn't want me."

This is me, Happy Birthday Spike and Chubbs!


Anonymous said...

Didn't you already have 3 or 4 resident felines before these abandonites showed up? What happened to them?
Do you have a "mark" on your back porch so hobo cats know your house is really cat heaven?

RHM said...

You know, sometimes it's just amazing how quickly they grow up....

Master P said...

You're aliiiiiiiiive!!!!!!!!! And very attentive. I couldn't tell that the cats were growing up, they just kept looking furry. As mom would say, good eyes! And I can't wait for the more blogging!!!

From Whence You Cometh