Sunday, December 07, 2008

In A Word...

I know, but it's been SO LONG since I posted a meme - I think The Back Porch peeps have found something more interesting to occupy their time - I sure hope no one is sick or had something bad happen, then I would feel guilty about mocking their lack of meme-age - and I don't think I have done this one before? The deal is to answer each question with only a single word. I've been told it's harder than it sounds.
(Thanks Gamma!)

  1. Your cell phone? - Kitchen
  2. Your significant other? - Bedroom
  3. Your mother? - Desert
  4. Your father? - Also
  5. Your favorite thing? - Tarzan
  6. Your dream last night? - Unremarkable
  7. Your favorite drink? - Milk
  8. Your dream/goal? - Attainable
  9. The room you're in? - Living
  10. Your hobby? - Reading
  11. Your fear? - Heights
  12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Here
  13. Where were you last night? - Party
  14. What you're not? - Tall
  15. Muffins? - Blueberry
  16. One of your wish list items? - Garden
  17. Where you grew up? - North
  18. What are you wearing? - Clothes
  19. Your pets? - Cats
  20. Your computer? - Shiny
  21. Your life? - Wild
  22. Your mood? - Content
  23. Missing someone? - Little
  24. Your car? - Working
  25. Something you're not wearing? - Shoes
  26. Favorite store? - Target
  27. Your summer? - Warm
  28. Like someone? - Many
  29. Your favorite color? - Blue
  30. When is the last time you laughed? - Earlier
  31. Last time you cried? - Before
  32. Who will respond to this? - Few

This is me, sure you have heard some of these answers before, but what can I say? I am consistent.

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