Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Musically Bad

I'm wondering if I shouldn't post WHILE the show is going on rather than waiting for the next day. I am just not as motivated to write today as I was last night...
It was The Night Of Crappy Music. I don't know who chooses the tunes for this show but they ought to be shot. I know I've said it before - in fact I HAVE said it before, apparently not here though... but it still stands. The person, or people, who select the songs to dance to ought to be strung up from a tree. There are great selections out there that actually match the types of dances that are being performed. WHY don't we use those?!!?! I sure as heck don't know. And yet in spite of that, Kristi Yamaguchi was phenomenal. Freaking amazing. Frankly, she's going to walk away with the trophy if there is any justice in the world. Mark lucked out in his partners. Again, Priscilla got scored higher than her dance deserved but the woman is 63. Anything she's doing is a tribute. Thankfully Adam still stunk so it's *LIKELY* he will go home - please, please, please let it be. Shannon was greatly improved and I can deal if she goes on. Marissa managed to settle down a little, so her dance was smoother and I think that will do her well. It's a pity Penn can't dance better because he is funny! He did not move his feet. That's a no-no in the dancing world. Of course Adam is funny too. But we don't like his partner so buh-bye. Marlee did a really nice job. Not spectacular, but she's got some room to improve. Christian needs to develop some smooth skills but he's got the props. Mario seems to be doing well and he's less obnoxious than other young stars on this show. *ahem* Floyd *ahem* Steve is sweet and a really good sport, but I don't know how long the charm will last him. He needs to be more...precise maybe? Monica, it's just so sad, just is not a dancer. Not everyone is, her thing is tennis - she's really good at it - but she can't dance. Her dance was so small last night. Competitions, especially competitions on TV, need to be big and bold and she just wasn't. Jason Taylor is awesome. He needs to loosen up his hips for the Latin dances but he's really, really good.
And, per my fans - love you Rocketgirl! - I answer the question "who is the short slightly geeky looking celeb girl?" I think you mean Marissa. None of the other girls, except Kristi, could be considered short, and she's certainly not geeky.

This is me, biting my nails for the results show.


Elizabeth said...

sounds exciting! I don't have TV, so I don't watch much of anything. Caught some idol over at my cousin's house, but that is the extent of my tv experience...

Elizabeth said...

sounds exciting! I don't have TV, so I don't watch much of anything. Caught some idol over at my cousin's house, but that is the extent of my tv experience...

Anonymous said...

So...what did you think of the results show? -R

From Whence You Cometh