Friday, March 21, 2008

Anyone Can Miss A Day

Quite the aptly named post n'est pas? I am not making this a habit, making excuses or whining, really I'm not - just so you know what's going on - the day I volunteer at the food bank was changed so instead of Wednesday afternoon, it's Thursday. Yesterday morning my uncle took his oath of citizenship for the United States, so Tarzan and I went to that. And it was really cool. Touching and impressive and packed. There were 6,226 people in the one session. Wow. Then it was off to the food bank and from there I drove to my parents' house to pick up my sister to stay the weekend with us. Nothing big, just hanging out - pictures to come I swear!! But we didn't get back until way late last night, so here we are. Maybe if it were changed to the Friday meme, and no one told me - then I might get it done on the right day...
::Onesome: Anyone-- Has anyone made an impression on you lately? No, not on the national level, but at work or school or just 'around'. ...or even here on the web?
  • One of the gentlemen who volunteers at the same food bank is just a really nice guy. He works with Tarzan frequently with the youth and he and his wife are always there to volunteer and help out and talk and chat and they are nice and kind and really, just good people. I knew that before this week of course, but they impressed me again yesterday.
::Twosome: can Miss-- Speaking of webbish things (and of course we are!), what types of things do you take a miss on at your place and choose not to post about? Just curious...
  • I mention it on occasion but try not to detail our sex life or our arguments. And I've alluded to our desire to conceive but I don't want to become an infertility blog. I try to keep it fun and humorous and informative.
::Threesome: a Day-- On a similar note: do you post every day? ...or just whenever? ...or is every session at the computer a spur to work up a little something?
  • I try to post frequently but it's not religious. I want it to be good, not just what I ate for breakfast you know? On the one hand, we do a lot so sometimes it's a matter of paring it down to post, but on the other hand we repeat a lot of activities - church lessons every Sunday, cub scouts every Tuesday etc. - so there's some lost interest points there. Comme ci, comme ca.
This is me, thankful for The Back Porch people.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

I keep the arguments and sex out of the posts too, although sometimesI sure wish I could ;) I've had some nasty arguments an dislikes with some people and I'm SO grateful I've kept them out of the blog. Mom says I say too much personal stuff, but what I haven't is huge and I'm thankful. I had a friend in college that tried to tank me and really made my life a living hell for a while, but I never posted it and she never had any dirt on me she could use - thank heavens!! SHe would have if she could! You never know who will read these things!

And DUDE - I got my free sewing machine but I don't know how to use it and I have no one to teach me!! COME VISIT!!!!

From Whence You Cometh