Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Tarzan!

It has been a mighty long day. And I feel that I don't deserve the wife button today.
We are scheduled for a lot of thing, all the time - no excuses, we just are - but I REALLY need to get organized. Somehow I am always one step behind and usually, it doesn't matter that much. I skip a shower, fail to switch a load of clothes to the dryer (dangit!), or just run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to squeeze 5lbs of sand into a 3lb sack.
But, today is Tarzan's birthday.
I had such plans. You know what they say about good intentions. I put shopping off because of other things until here it was - his birthday - and I didn't have his present, ingredients for dinner or for his pie. I actually ducked out of work early - not like it's hard, working for family does have it's advantages - to try and recover some of the time and goods.
But traffic hates me. Construction EVERYwhere. While I did manage to find part of the present I wanted it wasn't how I wanted it to turn out and I didn't make it home in time to find a store that sold blue cheese so I could make the dinner I had planned for him. He had to go to an audit meeting tonight - that one is not my fault - and the pie took me several attempts to get the crust to work. Grr, I will defeat you yet, my piecrust arch-nemesis.
Of course, Tarzan is all sweet and forgiving which does not make me feel better about the whole thing. I do mean it when I say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARZAN! and I only make a big deal out of your birthday because I love you so much.

This is me and I could have done it better.


Cath said...

I agree that making pie crust is a fussy business. Have you tried the Pioneer Woman's recipe? I've had success with it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for loving Tarzan lo these many years.

RHM said...

1. Happy Birthday Tarzan
2. I think the pie crust might be the water. I know a few tricks. we'll talk. (in your copious amounts of non-existant free time.

Master P said...

I don't ever do a good job on hub's bday because he doesn't really like anything I ever try, so I end up just telling him to buy whatever tech gadget he's dying over and he's happy as a clam. You are lucky to have such an easy-going Tarzan :)

From Whence You Cometh