Friday, December 31, 2010

Observations Of 2010

Nearly every December I complain that I need a whole week to prepare for the coming year. Paperwork for church, birthdays, calendars to synchronize, all that stuff.
This year, in the best present ever, I got that week. It has been just fantastic. I got caught up on my sleep. I have the class, lesson and teacher lists for Primary. The hymns will be done today. All the clean up from Christmas is finished and the presents put away. I got out thank you notes out for those presents, food made for the neighbors, we have a party tonght and I am ready for our trip on Monday. It's a holiday miracle!
I even have time to share my sumary of the year.
  1. You get what you pay for. Sometimes it is worth the money to get the good stuff.
  2. Prayers are answered.
  3. Tarzan is gong to be a random, non-sequitor conversationalist forever.
  4. I really don't like to clean.
  5. Family is awesome.

This is me and it's the end of the year.

1 comment:

Master P said...

3 sounds about right. 4 sounds REALLY right (for me, anyway) and 5 A-MEN. One and two are obvious :)

From Whence You Cometh