Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Weird Dream #18

All that resting and vacationing has allowed my subconscious to dream freaky stuff again...
I was at work, but it was really the back of a big assembly room filled with people. I managed to find a single seat, facing the back of the room. A guy I used to work with (HG) arrived and I was trying to convince him that he should work for us, but he had to go find his seat for the graduation exercises. (This was Harvard you know.) As I turned to watch him go to his seat I saw a guy I dated in college (WS) a few rows up. He waved at me but I pretended not to see him and waved to someone over the other direction. Then the procession started and all the graduates walked through the room. As they passed the row where their family was sitting the family got to go out with them to the "real" graduation hall. The rest of us were left to file in after and we had to walk over across the grass. There was a dog that belonged to a friend of mine from elementary school (KB) running around the grounds and I was trying to take pictures of it climb a tree but then we had to hurry to our places. WS and I ended up in an ordinary classroom where we couldn't even hear the speakers along with a couple of girls I knew from college but I didn't remember their names. We went back to one of the girls houses and we were cooking dinner in the kitchen when I made a comment about how our wedding rings (we were all married to someone who wasn't here) changed the size of our fingers. One of the girls got all quiet and seemed sad but no one else noticed. Then I needed to mix up the batter for the thing we were making and once it was done it had to sit in the garage for a while. The sink swung out from in front of the door so I could go in the backyard but there were so many buildings I didn't know which was the garage. I heard animals and then WS was out there trying to get me to put the bowl in the garage but I couldn't find it. Then all the other girls were outside too and WS asked if we had sweaters because it was cold and we all did, except one girl lied and said she didn't so WS would put his arms around her.
There was a little more but I don't recall it very well.

This is me rested?

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From Whence You Cometh