Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Weird Dream #14

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ah, that felt good. The office is really brutal today. Some of it's my own fault. I should have cleaned up these drawings long before now instead of blogging :) or whatever...but why does all the rest of it have to happen at THE SAME TIME? I am not amused by clients that think I can read their minds, (Have I ranted this before? - It's still so true.) I *SO* won't miss this profession when I retire.
I am really starting to worry about my subconscious...all this dreaming is a little unnerving. Do you think it has to do with stress at work? Last night Tarzan and I were travelling - by various methods, plane, train, boat whatever - but we never got where we were going. Then we ended up in The Rockies - and we were going to visit Tarzan's family but I was going to stay with them and he was going to his apartment. (He has an apartment?!) and everyone was trying to convince me it was okay, and quite normal, that he go to his place and I go to their house. I woke up feeling all crabby and mean.
Poor real-life Tarzan.

This is me in brief.

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