Friday, April 13, 2007

Light's Out

It's not that I'm SAYING the Department of Water and Power ARE snobs but I'm wondering if they MIGHT be. Only because yesterday there was a terrible wind storm and tree branches and bricks and metal pieces and garbage was flying through the air most of the afternoon and night. So last night, when the power went out at the house (and the entire block) we figured it was from the storm. After an hour or so we went to bed and trusted in the DWP to fix it and everything would be fine in the morning. This morning the power was still not back on. This was worrisome so we called the office and after a VERY long time on hold the nice lady said that there were power outages all over the city, traffic was in a snarl everywhere and they were working as hard as they can with guys out round the clock to get it all repaired. I almost didn't come to work today because if things were as bad as she said what would be the point. BUT I decided that it would be a good faith effort on my part to the boss, so I got up and got dressed, not as easy as it could have been with lights and a working refrigerator, and came to work. Nary a problem. No lights out, no traffic congestion, and NO ONE in my office had power problems last night. No one had any this morning either. (Amongst the group we reside in all the upper and lower sides of The Jungle. Not a bad survey mix) Now this makes me wonder if perhaps, just maybe, the DWP guys are not working as hard as they could be to restore power to my neighborhood. It's not like we hold a substantial percentage of the city's wealth after all. We live in South Central. (Pardon, Southern Jungle) Remember the riots a few years ago? Yeah. That's were we live. Normally this is not a problem. We have good, albeit poor and unemployed, neighbors, and a 6' wrought iron fence around our house. We are the only white folks for blocks and as such people look out for us a little bit. But that also means we don't show up in the demographics of the neighborhood. So, the question remains; is DWP saving us for last? Are they not trying as hard to restore our power as say they might if it was Upper Jungle or are they just busy in places where people in my office don't live? And if it's any of these reasons, are they going to pay for all the spoiled food in my fridge and freezer?

This is me wondering.

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