Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Completely Pure

I wish computers had that smell-o-vision stuff they were talking about in the 60's.
It would be so much easier to explain the difference between artificial vanilla flavoring and real vanilla flavoring if you could smell it. I lucked out the last time I went shopping - usually artificial vanilla is SO MUCH cheaper that I settle - the real stuff was on sale. And I had a coupon for a large bottle.
So I bought it.
It is awesome.
The cookies are baking right now and I can forget all the stresses, the worry of travel, the forty-seven things I haven't done and the sixty-two still to come.
I can ignore all of that when the real vanilla scent is wafting through the room.
I'd forgotten about the warmth of that pungent smell when one is baking, the extra zip in the air that comes from the real thing is just too good to forgo for a piddling little thing called price.

This is me and I will never go back.


RHM said...

I have been known on bad days to walk to the fridge, open up the bottle of vanilla and...



sniff. Calms me down and I can go about my world.
Sheesh. What did you think I'd do? *grin*

Master P said...

I had no idea there was a difference - and such a difference. It's possibly good I don't.... ;)

From Whence You Cometh