Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Little Darlings

I've started making the little loaves of bread we take to parties and give to people we like during Christmas. I try to start early because I only have four little loaf pans...and it only just occurred to me to buy more. (Yes, I AM a genius, why do you ask?) Plus I need to have 2 hour blocks of time in which to preheat, mix and bake for 45 minutes to an hour. Anyway. Last night I thought I was all kinds of smart to get a batch of banana bread into the oven while we watched Heroes. It was done just in time to remove it from the pans, cover it (I am not SO clueless, see?) and then get to bed. The thought, "move the bread to the counter," passed through my head as I fell asleep and I curse myself for not getting up and doing it immediately. But I didn't. So I woke up this morning and wandered into the kitchen and congratulated myself on the bread still being covered. Until I UNcovered it and saw the chunks torn out of the top of EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Gah! I am not surprised that they did it - and I REALLY should have moved the rack to the counter since they don't jump up there - but which one is smart enough to have covered the evidence back up again?!

This is me, considering how a fur rug would look on my wall...


Anonymous said...

This is a hoot. You should have photographed the evidence!

Anonymous said...
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Rocketgirl said...

Did Rhys ever tell you about our Polish reliatives and their pet wall-coverings?? They even had dog pelts on the chairs. Even in eastern Europe, the style was slightly lacking;)

Unknown said...

GAH! ROTFL!! Seriously, I want a video of the cat pulling the towell back over the loaves in his teeth. HAAHAHAHAHAH

From Whence You Cometh